Wednesday 21 May 2014

Salvador Dali famous paintings: Antique worth buying for

Plaza SURIN houses, the famous antique shop of Eric Smolders containing eye catching Salvador Dali paintings that have captivated the imagination of the users. He is a known art collector and has various galleries in Hong Kong apart from Phuket.  Selling and buying arts is a job of the specialist and people should have prior experience before indulging in the business.  There are various paintings which are fraudulent but might pass as genuine; therefore it is important to have a deep knowledge of the art so that true worth could be realized
Exquisite Images of Salvador Dali famous Paintings are inscribed on the paintings which would go a long way in decorating the sitting rooms of the house.  Asian antiques along with Chinese antique furniture are very popular among the customers who buy them in huge numbers. Apart from paintings sculptures are also available in the shop specifying different themes to the buyers.  Bird in love artifact is created from plastic and displays the traditional art of Asia.  Eminent Chinese painters such as Yan Yu, Wang Guang Yi and others have contributed the work displaying diverse art forms.  They have created paintings on concurrent as well as historical themes which are preferred by large number of people.
For instance, many pictures tend to create awareness against smoking among the people. In the sculpture category, images of elephant, piano and Space Venus are carved with traditional artistic elegance.  Internet is the best alternative if one wants to buy paintings and jewelry designed by eminent artists in an impeccable manner.  The latter consists of bracelets, rings,


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